The Department of Physical Education and Teaching has undergone several stages of development. Established in 1987, it has been subsequently renamed "Teaching and Research Office of Physical Education", "Department of Physical Education" and "Department of Physical Education and Teaching”. It is a secondary teaching department of GZUC. Consisting of Teaching and Research Office, Teaching Section of Physical Education, and the Testing Studio for Physical Fitness and Health of College Students, the department contains 23 faculty members, including 20 full-time teachers. It is equipped with one standard plastic track and field, one standard soccer field, seven basketball courts, two physical fitness and health testing studios and other sports facilities.

        The Department carries out the "Regulations on Physical Education of GZUC", offers sufficient public physical education courses, and provides equipment and instruments for physical fitness testing. The department organizes physical fitness tests for students every year and consistently integrates the “Physical Fitness Standard for Students” throughout physical education. Students are guided to strengthen their physical exercise, promote their physical and mental health. The department aims to build an "integrated core with two wings" educational system with in-class physical education teaching as the core, complemented by mass sports activities and sports competitions as the two supporting wings. Since 2018, department teachers have guided student sports teams to participate in competitions at municipal and higher levels, winning a total of four gold medals, six silver medals, 11 bronze medals, and six team awards. The department will closely follow the university’s development pace and make its due contributions to the cultivation of comprehensive business talents excellent in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor skills.


(Translator: Sheng Wei; Editor: Liu Shanshan)