Focusing on the needs of the government, industry and enterprises and aiming to serve the local economic development, Guizhou University of Commerce strengthens the construction of discipline scientific research, constantly guides and drives the growth of outstanding talents and the construction of discipline echelons, and selects three college-level first-class discipline construction projects: Accounting, Business Administration, and Applied Economics, in order to promote discipline construction gradually and lay the foundation for the construction of the “New Business” discipline system.

        1. As the first-class and the key feature discipline in GZUC, Accounting focuses on hot issues in business fields such as green finance, intelligent accounting, state-owned assets supervision and governance, economic responsibility and environmental design.

        2. As the first-class and key discipline in GZUC, Business Administration focuses on digital marketing and intelligent logistics fields supported by cutting-edge technology such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data to face recognition, block chain, etc. At the same time, it focuses on emergency management in the emergency public governance environment and studies the intelligent allocation of materials from a commercial perspective.

        3. As the first-class supported discipline in GZUC, the Applied Economics focuses on the in-depth study and application of digital economy theory, as well as the development strategy of 100 billion scales of high-quality tobacco and alcohol industry in Guizhou province, and the innovative development of the comprehensive bonded area.

        Since the beginning of the above discipline construction, the three discipline teams have introduced a total of five high-level talents and undertaken six scientific research projects above the provincial and ministerial level (including one national project), attracting vertical funding of 460,000 Yuan, as well as two horizontal scientific research projects, with a total funding of 480,000 Yuan. In addition, seven academic monographs have been published, and 14 papers have been published in SSCI, CSSCI, and Chinese core journals. Two intelligence units have been established, one domestic academic conference was held, and faculty took part in 41 academic conferences at home and abroad.

(Translator: Liu Shanshan; Editor: Liu Shanshan)