The College of Economics and Finance can be traced back to the Department of Trade Economics established in 1992 and the Department of Finance established in 2000, which were respectively developed into the College of Economics and the College of Finance in 2016. In 2021, in order to optimize the layout of disciplines and resources, the College of Economics and Finance were formally established.

The college has 7 undergraduate majors, including Taxation, Financial Engineering, Insurance, Investment, International Economics and Trade, Trade Economics, and International Business, among which the Investment is the provincial first-class major and three courses have been approved as provincial gold courses: the Macroeconomics, International Finance (bilingual), and Commercial Circulation-related Trade Practice. 

The college currently has 2,314 students. In the past five years, they took part in various competitions and won 627 national awards and 129 provincial awardsincluding 173 national awards and 148 provincial awards in the "Challenge Cup" National College Students Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, National College Students Mathematics Competition, National College Students Financial Elite Challenge Competition and other competitions. They also actively participated in innovation and entrepreneurship training, and have received approval of 22 national and 49 provincial innovation and entrepreneurship training programs. 55 students participated in the "West Plan" project, and demonstrated good spirit and professional ability in social practices such as "serving countryside" social practice activity.

The college has a teaching staff with high quality, reasonable structure and excellent work style. There are 85 faculty members, including 6 professors and 17 associate professors. 87% staff received postgraduate education, 14 teachers have a doctor's degree, 5 teachers are studying for doctor's degrees, and 27 teachers have company working experience or occupy professional certificates. The Investment teaching team and Finance teaching tram were approved as excellent provincial teaching teams, one teacher won Guizhou May First Labor Medal, and two teachers won Guizhou Academic Pioneer title. One tutor won the second prize of the Military Course Teaching Skills Competition of Guizhou Universities, and another tutor won the honor of Outstanding Individual in Guizhou National Defense Education and Student Military Training Activity.

In the past five years, the college has undertaken one key project of major research issues of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and one major research project of comprehensive deepening of reform of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee; It staff led 10 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, 42 municipal scientific research projects, 1 provincial curriculum ideological and political demonstration project, 18 provincial teaching research and reform projects, 13 industry-university cooperation projects of the Ministry of Education, and 4 projects entrusted by local governments and industrial enterprises. The staff also has published 48 articles in core journals and authoritative theoretical newspapers, 7 monographs, and 6 teaching textbookswon one provincial teaching achievement award, two provincial philosophy and social science outstanding achievement awards, second prize and third prize in provincial teaching innovation competition. Four research reports obtained positive comments from provincial and ministerial leaders.

The college has modern teaching facilities, intelligent cloud economics laboratory, financial technology laboratory, insurance intelligent laboratory, and 36 off-campus practice teaching bases. Guizhou Open Economic Research Institute is attached to the college.

Adhering to the motto (shaping characteristics with faith and integrity, cultivating application abilities with usefulness and evaluation) of GZUC, the college implements the fundamental task of cultivating students through fostering virtues, to realize the university’s development goal of building a high-level new business university, and to train high-quality application-oriented talents. Taking Guizhou Province as the base, facing the modern service industry and the digitization of business, and closely following the business reform and industry demand, the college integrates two groups (teachers and students), two central points (teaching and studying), two key elements (teaching style and learning style), and two main lines (discipline and major), focuses on “commerce”, makes efforts to “innovate”, tries to achieve results in “application”, strengthening the foundation, promoting advantages, reinforcing weaknesses, and building a first-class economic and financial talent training base in Guizhou.

Contact Us:

Address: No.1, 26 Road, Baiyun District, Guiyang City

Tel: 0851-84870793

Zip Code: 5500014



(Translator: Meng Rui; Editor: Liu Shanshan)