Guizhou University of Commerce has a rich history that dates back to 1947 when it was established as the "Shangxin Advanced Accounting Vocational School of Guiyang City." This institution holds the distinction of being the pioneer of business education in Guizhou. In 1952, building upon this foundation, the Guizhou Provincial Government consolidated resources in commerce education to form the "Guizhou Provincial Trade Secondary Technical School." A significant milestone came in 1961 when it merged with the Guizhou Provincial Grain School, giving rise to the "Guizhou Provincial Business School." This marked the inception of public commerce education in the region. The institution continued to evolve, achieving the status of "Guizhou Business Junior College" in 1987 and subsequently adopting the name "Guizhou Business Higher Vocational College" in 1993, and then, in 2015, was approved by the Ministry of Education to become a comprehensive undergraduate institution and renamed "Guizhou University of Commerce." An administrative shift occurred in 2018 when the Guizhou Provincial Government transferred the university's oversight from the Provincial Department of Commerce to the Provincial Department of Education. In the same year, it became one of the second batch of pilot institutions in Guizhou Province to transform and develop into applied undergraduate institutions. The university successfully completed the assessment for bachelor's degree-granting institutions in 2019.  Furthering its progress, the year 2022 saw the university's selection as one of the second batch of pilot universities for the "Comprehensive Reform in Nurturing Virtuous Talents" initiative within Guizhou Province.

    The university covers an area of 978 acres, with a collection of 1.0818 million volumes of paper books and 1.3792 million electronic books. It offers 28 undergraduate majors, covering four disciplines: management, economics, engineering, and arts, including one Sino-foreign cooperative program and 7 provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors. The university comprises 11 teaching units and enrolls undergraduate students from 13 provinces, autonomous regions, and directly governed municipalities. It has a total of 9,825 full-time undergraduate students, 111 junior college students, and 743 staff members, including 457 faculty members, among whom 376 have master's degrees or higher, accounting for 82.28%, and 188 with senior professional titles.

    The university has adopted a flexible approach to bring in 1 academician from the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Currently, the staff includes 1 expert who receives special allowances from the State Council, 4 experts listed as 'Outstanding Experts in Guizhou Province,' and 3 members on the Guiding Committee for the Integrated Development of Ideological and Political Education in Primary, Middle, and High Schools under the Education Commission of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee. In addition, there are 3 members in the Teaching Guiding Committee for Ideological and Political Theory Courses in Higher Education Institutions of Guizhou Province, 8 members in the Teaching Guiding Committee for Higher Education Institutions in Guizhou Province, and individuals who have received various recognitions and awards. This includes 1 "Outstanding Teacher" award recipient, 1 individual recognized for excellence in educational work by Guizhou Province, 1 recipient of the "May 1st" Labor Medal in Guizhou Province, and 1 holder of the "March 8th Red Banner Pacesetter" title. Furthermore, the university boasts 4 individuals recognized as "Outstanding Teachers" within the entire provincial education system.

    The university has established a new Business Science Experiment Center and a Culture and Art Education Center. It is listed in the sixth batch of talent base in Guizhou Province (Modern Commerce and Logistics Talent Base), the fourth batch of provincial-level continuing education base for professional and technical personnel, and a provincial demonstration base for innovation and entrepreneurship. To advance the integration of industry and education and  foster a collaborative educational environment, the university  has established 125  external practical teaching bases with many companies and organizations , including Huawei Cloud Computing Technology Co., Ltd., China Railway Construction Real Estate Guizhou Company, Guizhou Changtong Group, Cloud on Guizhou Big Data Co., Ltd., Cloud on Beidou (Guizhou) Co., Ltd., Guanshanhu Fumin Rural Commercial Bank, Guanshanhu Modern Service Industry Experimental Zone, Baiyun Economic Development Zone, Guizhou Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Association, and Baiyun District Taxation Bureau of Guiyang City. "Qianqing Dream Factory", listed in the first batch of national-level innovation and entrepreneurship spaces, has been established by the university. Through this initiative, it has incubated and nurtured 330 innovative and entrepreneurial training projects for university students, of which 74 have achieved national-level recognition and 183 have been recognized at the provincial level. Moreover, students from the university have been honored with 212 awards in national-level academic competitions and 771 awards at the provincial and ministerial levels.

    The university currently has 4 provincial-level teaching teams, with 3 teachers recognized as "Gold Teachers" for their exceptional skills. Moreover, it offers 1 national-level flagship course on entrepreneurship and employment, along with 27 provincially recognized top-quality courses. The university has been involved in 45 collaborative projects with industries for coordinated education under the Ministry of Education, as well as 49 provincial-level education reform projects. It has secured approval for 3 projects from the National Social Science Fund, 1 project from the National Art Fund, 1 project from the Ministry of Education's New Engineering Program, 1 key project from the National Education Science "Thirteenth Five-Year" Plan, 2 general projects from the Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research, and 1 key project from the major research initiative by the Guizhou Provincial Committee. Furthermore, the university has undertaken 3 key research projects related to deepening comprehensive reforms in Guizhou Province, along with 62 provincial-level research projects, and 186 department-level projects. The university has managed 41 external research projects and has received formal approvals and guidance from the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government on seven occasions. The university has achieved recognition and awards in the field of philosophy and social sciences in Guizhou Province. Specifically, it has received two first-place awards, one second-place award, and two third-place awards. Furthermore, the university has been honored with a second-place award for outstanding achievements in humanities and social sciences research at the provincial level. Additionally, it has earned nine awards for teaching achievements at the provincial level.

    The university actively contributes to Guizhou's economic and social progress, focusing on the "Four News" strategy, the "Four Modernizations" main strategy, and the "Four Zones and One High Ground" positioning. Following the provincial government's call to "develop unique features, ensure high standards, and better serve local development," the university supports Guizhou's key strategies of "Rural Revitalization," "Big Data," and "Big Ecology." The university has been recognized with 1 National Vitality Youth League Branch, 1 Guizhou Provincial May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Committee, and 2 Guizhou Provincial May Fourth Red Flag Youth League branches. It has held the title of "Outstanding Project Office of Development Plan in Western Region in China" for three consecutive years and has seen 2 individuals awarded as "Outstanding Volunteers in Guizhou Province for Combating COVID-19," along with 3 individuals recognized as "Outstanding Volunteers in Guizhou Province" in general.

    The university adheres to an open approach to education, learning from advanced educational concepts, and enhancing communication and cooperation. It collaborates with the International College of Management, Sydney to organize a joint program in Exhibition Economics and Management. Memorandums of cooperation have been signed with 21 domestic and international universities, including Wuhan University of Technology, creating a platform for inter-university exchanges. The university promotes student and staff exchanges for international learning and visits across various countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, Russia, Singapore, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. It has also hosted 11 foreign university delegations, like Mt. Sierra College in the US and International College of Management, Sydney, for exchange visits. The university has organized, hosted, or collaborated in over 30 activities in the China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week, engaging more than 500 teachers and students. This has continually improved the university's international exchange capabilities.

    The university adheres to socialist education principles and emphasizes character and talent development. It has a localized, application-oriented approach and aspires to build a high-level business school. This aligns with its pursuit of high-quality institutional development, particularly in modern service industries and digital commerce. The university is dedicated to nurturing versatile applied talents who meet contemporary demands. These individuals will have comprehensive growth in morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and practical skills. They will possess a business mindset, creative vigor, a sense of responsibility, and a pragmatic work ethic. The university supports Guizhou's high-quality development and contributes to a vibrant, ecologically rich future, making fresh contributions to the diverse, prosperous future of Guizhou.

Address:No.1, 26th Avenue, Baiyun District, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province

