The College of Accounting, dated back to the Shangxin Advanced Accounting Vocational School in 1947, is the oldest teaching and research college of GZUC. Currently, the college offers three undergraduate majors: Accounting, Financial Management, and Auditing, among which, the Accounting and Financial Management majors have been recognized as the provincial-level first-class majors, while the Auditing major has been recognized as the school-level first-class major. Additionally, three courses, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Management, have been recognized as the provincial-level first-class courses.

The college has a total of 1,590 students and 58 staff members, including 47 full-time teachers, 2 laboratory technicians, 4 professors, 15 associate professors, 5 doctoral degree holders, and 30 master's degree holders. There are also 3 postgraduate supervisors. 17 teachers hold qualifications such as Certified Public Accountant and Senior Accountant. The Financial Management teaching team has won the Third Prize in the first national college teachers’ teaching innovation competition and the First Prize in the provincial selection competition. One teacher has been praised by Guizhou Provincial Department of Education as an “Outstanding Teacher in Guizhou Province's Education System”, and one teacher has been recognized as Prominent Teacher in Guizhou Province. The students’ pass rate for the Junior Accountant Qualification Exam is over 76%, ranking among the top in the province.

The college has comprehensive practical teaching facilities, including the Cloud Accounting and Intelligent Financial Sharing Laboratory and three comprehensive laboratories for Accounting, Financial Management, and Auditing. It has also developed four major experimental platforms: Business and Finance Integration, Financial Sharing Services, Financial Big Data Analysis, and Intelligent Financial Accounting. The college has established practical teaching bases in collaboration with 23 companies, including Aerospace Science and Technology, and China Audit Asia Pacific Certified Public Accountants, to promote the integration of industry and education. Students have won 10 awards in national discipline competitions, and innovation and entrepreneurship competitions, as well as 12 provincial-level awards.

As the undertaker of the school-level characteristic key discipline, the college has won the title of “Academic Pioneer”, and “Humanities and Social Sciences Demonstration Base”. The faculty has published more than 120 academic papers in journals such as Economic Research, Accounting Friends, and Finance and Accounting Monthly, including 28 papers indexed in Chinese Core Journals, CSSCI, SSCI, and EI. The faculty has undertaken 2 national social science projects, 6 provincial-level research projects, 19 municipal-level research projects, and 4 horizontal research projects. They have also published 8 monographs, led 6 provincial-level teaching reform projects and 5 collaborative education projects approved by the Ministry of Education, and won 3 provincial-level teaching achievement awards.

The college actively serves the local economic development and the revitalization of rural areas in Guizhou. It has received awards such as the “May Fourth Red Flag Branch” of Guizhou Province, the “Excellent Volunteer Service Organization” of Guizhou Province, as well as the Outstanding Unit, Excellent Practical Team, the Branded Project, and Outstanding Individuals in the “Serving Countryside” social practice activities.

With the goal of building first-class majors, the college adheres to the motto of GZUC (shaping characteristics with faith and integrity, cultivating application abilities with usefulness and evaluation), upholds the tradition of rigorous teaching and cultivating students with strict love and care. Guided by the core task of cultivating students’ moral character, the college actively serves the local economy and society, focusing on commerce, trade, and business services. It aims to cultivate high-quality accounting professionals to meet the requirements of the new era, with comprehensive quality in morality, intelligence, physicality, aesthetics, and labor. These graduates are equipped with commercial awareness, creativity, a sense of responsibility, and a pragmatic work style.

(Translator: Yang Wenying; Editor: Liu Shanshan)