With a focus on the theme of building a high-quality education system, deepening the reform of higher education teaching, and fully demonstrating the guiding role of the competition, GZUC aims to promote the comprehensive construction of curriculum ideology. In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice on Holding the Third National Higher Education Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition" forwarded by the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and the "Notice on Holding the Third National Higher Education Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition" from the Higher Education Association, on February 25, 2023, GZUC organized the seventh Classroom Teaching Competition and the third National Higher Education Teachers' Teaching Innovation Competition.


The leaders of GZUC attached great importance to this competition, and Party Committee member and Vice President Zhang Yong attended the competition to cheer for the contestants. The competition consisted of four major groups, two competition venues, and 35 teachers participated. The New Liberal Arts Group and the Basic Course Group, as well as the New Engineering Group and the Curriculum Ideology Group, competed in the A206 Smart Classroom and A204 Smart Classroom of the Shangzhi Building respectively.


The invited experts for the competition include national and provincial-level Teaching experts, recipients of first prizes in national and provincial teaching competitions, and leaders from Academic Affairs Offices of various universities. They are Deng Qin, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Guizhou Normal University, An Yanling, Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Guizhou Institute of Technology, Ma Fei, Director of the Assessment Center of Guizhou Minzu University, He Sipeng, Vice Dean from the  College of Marxism of Guizhou University of Finance and Economics, Zhang Fenghong, Vice Dean from the College of Marxism of Guizhou Normal University, Professor Yang Jing from Guizhou University, Professor Wu Keyu from Guizhou Normal University, and Dean Han Jun, Vice Dean Li Li, and Professor Liu Lingya from GZUC as the judges. Whether during the on-site questioning or the expert comments after the competition, the evaluation experts focused on the characteristics and requirements of the teaching innovation competition. They provided many constructive improvement strategies and ideas in terms of teaching design, teaching content, teaching methods, and teaching effectiveness.


To ensure that all teachers in the university can observe and learn better, the Academic Affairs Office set up a live broadcasting platform, allowing teachers to watch the on-site competition through computers or mobile phones.


The theme of this competition is "Promoting Teaching Innovation and Cultivating First-Class Talents." And the participating teachers demonstrated their excellence on the podium, with a significant improvement in the level of informatization of teaching content, more engaging language expressions, and notable improvement in teaching effectiveness. Based on the scores given by the evaluation experts, the university will select outstanding representatives to participate in the provincial competition. Here, we wish them excellent results and bring honor to the university!

Source: Academic Affairs Office

(Translated by Tao Jue, Proofread by Wang Xuefang)