Invited by Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, Professor Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee of GZUC, visited Yunnan for research and exchange from February 13th to 15th. Zhang Yunhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, led a delegation to exchange with Yunnan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, inspect the Social Sciences Popularization Base in Yunnan Province, and held discussions on the cooperation of economic and cultural inland opening between Yunnan and Guizhou, discussing a strategic cooperation framework agreement between the Federations of Social Sciences of the two provinces. Xu Jing (Director of the Cultural History and Study Committee of Guizhou Provincial Political Consultative Conference, former Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, and former Chairman of Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences), Ding Fengming (member of the Party Group and Secretary-General of the Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences) and some comrades from the Office and Research Department of Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, as well as the School of Economics and Finance of GZUC, participated in the research.


Hai Jiang, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, chaired the exchange symposium. Vice Chairman of the Yunnan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences, Wang Jianhua, Zou Wenhong, Secretary-General Tan Qibin, Vice Director of the Cultural History Committee of the Yunnan Provincial Political Consultative Conference Ma Linuo, Vice President of the Yunnan Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Chen Lijun, and relevant leaders, experts and scholars from Yunnan University, Southwest Forestry University, Yunnan Daily, and other units respectively participated in the research and symposium.

During the exchange meeting, Secretary Lyu Guofu introduced the basic situation of GZUC and proposed that the university will actively participate in joint forums organized by the Federations of Social Sciences of Guizhou and Yunnan, collaborate on research projects, build platforms, promote interactions between experts and scholars, and facilitate the transformation of policy consulting outcomes. Secretary Lyu also suggested potential topics for the forums, focusing on academic and policy discussions, collaboration between academia and industry, and domestic and international perspectives. He warmly invited the attending experts and scholars to visit and guide the university.


The participants unanimously agreed that the joint forum platform established by the Federations of Social Sciences of Yunnan and Guizhou will deepen academic exchanges, strengthen experience sharing, and play a significant role in promoting the economic and cultural cooperation between the two provinces as well as the implementation of major national strategies. With geographical proximity, cultural connections, and economic integration between Yunnan and Guizhou, the foundation and potential for joint forums, deepening experience sharing, and collaborative research projects are substantial. It is necessary to adhere to the center, serve the overall development, complement strengths, and seek mutual benefits, pursue practicality, efficiency, and sustainable development, and achieve open collaboration and common development.

During the meeting, Yunnan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences and Guizhou Provincial Federation of Social Sciences agreed in principle to sign a strategic cooperation framework agreement, aiming to institutionalize, make long-term and pragmatic collaborative mechanisms between the two provinces in the field of social sciences.

(Translated by Tao Jue, Proofread by Wang Xuefang)