In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping’s socialism  ideology with Chinese characteristics for the new era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, guide and help young students to “receive education, develop talents, and make contribution” in the general moral lessons combined with reality, and  aspire students to become excellent young people with ideal, courage, perseverance, and willingness to struggle in the new era, the School of International Education of GZUC actively responds to the call of the higher authorities to carry out 2023 Guizhou Province college students’ volunteer summer social practice activities in countryside in cultural, scientific and technological, and health aspects. The School of International Education carefully designed the activity plan, and formed a team of 25 teachers and students to go to Miaoling Tunpu Ancient Town in Anshun City from July 13th to July 16th, 2023 to carry out a four-day “Youth Movement · Qianjing Future” Summer Social Practice. 

        When young students dedicated themselves in the social practice, their thoughts are sublimated to a higher level. The summer social practice activities in countryside is an important opportunity for college students to broaden their horizons, learn about the society, immerse themselves in life, and serve the masses. On July 12, 2023, the  ceremony for students of the School of International Education 2023 “Youth Movement · Qianjing Future” Summer Social Practice was held in classroom 3J103 of Shangzhi Building. Deputy Dean Wang Yang and counselor Gao Jie and Yang Wanlin attended the event. Deputy Dean Wang Yang gave earnest instructions to the young students of the School, hoping that the students could continuously strengthen their sense of responsibility and mission through this social practice activity, improve their motivation for learning and work, and truly achieve the unity of  book knowledge and social practice.


        On July 13th, after the practice team arrived at Miaoling Tunpu in Anshun, they first went to the local Tongxin Kindergarten to carry out the painting and calligraphy competition and other activities with the children. The practice team fully combined with local characteristics and used brushes to depict Tunbao culture such as local opera and weapons with the kindergarten children. The volunteers also fold paper airplanes and flew the lovely paper airplanes with the kindergarten children.


        On July 14th, the practice team arrived at two representative sites of Anshun Tunpu culture, namely Yunfeng Tunpu Benzhai Village and Tianlong Tunpu. Benzhai Village, originally a military village, is now a village with well-preserved Tunpu architecture. The practice team conducted research on local residents to explore the integration of Tunpu culture and tourism development. Tianlong Tunpu, known as the “living fossil of Ming Dynasty life” by anthropologists, features daily performances of military puppet shows mainly based on ancient war themes. The members of the practice team watched a breathtaking puppet show performance, experiencing its unique artistic charm. In the evening, the practice team held a cultural performance called “Song and Dance Gala in Miaoling” at Miao Ridge Tunpu Scenic Area. Volunteers showcased the charm of students from the School of International Education to local residents through recitation, stage plays, and choir performances. They danced around the bonfire with the local residents, making wishes for a better future in a joyful atmosphere.


        On July 15th, the practice team conducted a lecture on the “the 20th CPC National Congress Major Achievements and New Journey” at the Miaoling Tunpu Scenic Area. Cai Boxuan, a 2021 grade student who won the second prize in GZUC Political Quality Enhancement Training for Excellent Students and Excellent Member of “Yong Lecturer Group”, gave a lecture to the scenic area staff and practice team members. The lecture focused on the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congressand the Anshun Tunpu culture. Afterwards, the practice team held a sharing session called “Reading the Original Text, Understanding the Principles”. Three students from grade 2022, Zhao Yating, Xu Mingxin, and Chen Tangqing, shared their reflections, reaffirming their ideal beliefs of “discover the spirit of China, listen to the voice of the people, and resonate with the pulse of the times”. The practice team also carried out a voluntary activity called “Constructing a Beautiful Tunpu Together” in the scenic area. Volunteers provided various services to tourists, such as guidance, storing belongings, and cleaning the area.


        On July 16th, the practice team went to the last stop, Wang Ruofei Memorial Hall, to carry out the activity “Reviewing the Oath of the Communist Youth League and Fulfilling the Youth Vow”. The pictures, items, and stories in the memorial hall vividly demonstrate the historical achievements of Wang Ruofei, an old-generation proletarian revolutionary in China. Inspired by the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, all members of the practice team recited the oath of the Communist Youth League in front of Wang Ruofei’s sculpture, to promote the noble patriotic spirit and great spirit of dedication of the older generation of CPC members.


        The 2023 Summer Social Practice Activity of the the School of International Education was completed successfully. Through this social practice, the team deeply experienced the charm of Tunpu and felt the guidance of the predecessors. The members of the team expressed that through this social practice, they measured the land of Guizhou with their footsteps, discovered the beauty of Guizhou with their eyes, and felt the pulse of the times in their hearts. They have deepened their emotional connection with our motherland, sharing the same destiny as the people. In their future studies, work, and life, they will continue to learn, promote, and implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress. They will continuously improve their comprehensive quality and professional knowledge, contribute to the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage and the development of tourism in Guizhou, work together to create a colorful future for Guizhou, and contribute their wisdom and strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Zhang SiyuanProofread by Zhang Xiaohua