On June 14th, 2023, the second general assembly of students of the School of International Education was successfully held at the Hubin Conference Center. Wu Jingxin, Secretary of GZUC Youth League Committee, Chen Yu, Deputy Director of the Youth League Office, Yan Yong, CPC Secretary of the School of International Education, and Wang Yang, Deputy Dean of the School of International Education, attended the meeting. All students of the School participated, and Zhao Xueshan, the teacher in charge of the School's youth league work, presided over the meeting.


        In his speech, Yan Yong congratulated the successful convening of the assembly on behalf of the School of International Education and expressed thanks to GZUC Youth League Committee for its support of the School’s work. He said that in the past year, the previous student union and youth cadres of the School have done a lot of effective work under the leadership of the School’s CPC Committee and Administration, highlighting many achievements: organizing students to go to Jinsha County to carry out the social practice activities, which was well received by the local community; the youth volunteer service team was awarded Guizhou Province excellent volunteer service organization; in national university business elite challenge, Challenge Cup college student entrepreneurship competition, and 2022 Guizhou Province Youth Simulated Political Consultative Conference Proposal Competition, they won two first prizes, two second prizes, seven third prizes, and 11 outstanding awards; 108 students fully participated in the series of activities of China-ASEAN Education Exchange Week organized by GZUC, highly praised by all walks of society, and 33 students were commended by the organizing committee, and so on. He put forward three points for the students: having firm belief, finding the direction of life; learning diligently and cultivating noble character; daring to take responsibility and striving for an immortal youth. He hopes that the newly elected student union of the School will take serving the students as the starting point and foothold of all work, and win the respect and trust of the students with practical actions. All teachers and students should bear in mind the School motto “broadening international horizons and cultivating local sentiments”, uplift their spirits, unite and forge ahead, contribute youth power to the brilliant future of the School of International Education and strive for GZUC towards a distinctive high-level new type of business university and make contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


        Li Jilu, the chairman of the first student union of the School of International Education, made a work report to all students. He summarized the work of student union of the School of International Education in the previous year and pointed out the deficiencies, and put forward expectations for future student work. He hoped to establish a more efficient work mechanism and encouraged students to actively participate in the construction of the School’s student union, fully exert the role of the bond between schools and universities, and work together to improve the work of the  student affairs of the School.


        Subsequently, the conference announced the results of the qualification review of the candidates for the new student union executive committee of the School of International Education, and all candidates meet the requirements stipulated in the constitution. Then, the candidates made self-introductions and answered questions from students on the spot. The candidates had in-depth exchanges with the students on how to better carry out their work. Finally, the conference voted to elect the new executive committee, and the final election result was: Cai Boxuan and Xia Lifei from  class H21-2 were elected as the second chairman of the student union of the School of International Education. With this, the second general student assembly of the School of International Education was completed successfully.


Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Zhang SiyuanProofread by Zhang Xiaohua