In order to further strengthen the integrity education of students in the the School of International Education, promote the work of funding education, and enhance students’ awareness of financial security, on May 29, 2023, the School of International Education held a lecture on financial security knowledge in Room 3J301 of Shangzhi Building. Yan Yong, the CPC Secretary of the School of International Education, Cai Fangli, Vice President of Guizhou Agricultural and Commercial Bank, Guanshanhu Branch, Yan Aimin, Manager of Guizhou Agricultural and Commercial Bank, Guanshanhu Branch, Zhao Xueshan, the teacher in charge of student affairs of the School of International Education, and students from the School of International Education attended the lecture. Wang Yanxiang, Manager of Guizhou Agricultural and Commercial Bank Guanshanhu Branch, gave a special presentation, and the lecture was hosted by Zhao Xiaomeng, a student of the School of International Education.

The main content of this lecture is “Beware of Campus Loans and Telecom Fraud”. At the beginning of the lecture, Wang Yanxiang asked if everyone was familiar with campus loans, and then popularized the common methods and harms of campus loans, emphasizing that loan must be applied to legitimate banks. When talking about telecom fraud, he specifically pointed out to the students to be cautious about “helping information crimes” and reminded everyone to remember the “three nots and one should” (do not trust easily, do not disclose, do not transfer money, and should report in a timely manner) guidelines to prevent telecom fraud. He also called on everyone to download the National Anti-Fraud Center app as soon as possible. In the subsequent Q&A session, students actively participated and the bank staff answered their questions, deepening everyone’s understanding of financial security and improving their ability to identify and respond to telecom fraud.





Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Zhang SiyuanProofread by Zhang Xiaohua