To broaden the international perspective of GZUC students and guide them in determining their development direction, GZUC Students’ Study Tour Sharing Activity was held on March 28, 2023 at the academic lecture hall of GZUC library. The activity was organized by the School of International Education and more than 280 students were present, along with the CPC Secretary of the School of International Education, Yan Yong, the Dean of the School of Tourism Management and the Director of the International Education College, Han Jun, the Deputy Dean of the the School of International Education, Wang Yang, and teachers such as Shi Jinyu, Chang Mengxue, and Yang Wanlin. The sharing session was hosted by Zhao Xiaomeng and Huang Zheng, students of the School of International Education.  

In his speech, Yan Yong expressed his hope that students would actively sign up for activities such as the “Thousand Students Study Abroad Program” to explore the world, broaden their horizons, enhance their comprehensive quality and professional knowledge. He also emphasized the importance of enhancing GZUC’s education openness level, contributing to the creation of a colorful future for Guizhou and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

During the sharing session, five students from the the School of International Education, including Lin Maomao, three students from the School of Economics and Finance, including Cheng Junjia, and students from the School of Tourism Management, including Li Minghang, shared their study tour experiences, the humanities and culture of Macau, and their observations and feelings. They also interacted with other students, answering questions related to the study tour. The atmosphere was lively and active.

After the session, the students expressed that they had benefited greatly from the sharing session and were looking forward to the study tour. They pledged to continuously improve their own quality in their future studies and lives.

This study tour program to Macau was organized with the support and guidance of the Guizhou-Macau Deep Cooperation Work Special Group, the United Front Work Department of Guizhou Provincial CPC Committee, and the Department of Education of Guizhou Province. The first batch of students selected included more than 100 students from five universities, including Guizhou University of Commerce, Tongren College, and Anshun College. They participated in a 14-day “Guizhou University Students’ Study Tour on Artificial Intelligence Course in Macau” at Macau City University. The project is included in the “Thousand Students Study Abroad Program” of China Scholarship Council. GZUC selected 14 students from the School of International Education, the School of Economics and Finance, the School of Tourism Management, and the School of Computer and Information Engineering to participate.






Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Zhang SiyuanProofread by Zhang Xiaohua