In order to enhance college students’ awareness of career planning, guide them to make early preparations for employment, and promote high-quality and full employment of college graduates, the selection competition of the first career planning competition hosted by the School of International Education was successfully held in Room 3J103 of Shangzhi Building on November 8.    

The selection competition was judged by Pan Jun, Associate Professor of the Propaganda Department of GZUC CPC Committee, Fu Lin, Director of CPC and Administration Office of the School of Tourism Management, and Zhao Xueshan,  teacher of the Student Affairs and Youth League of the the School of International Education. It attracted 84 students from the School of International Education to watch the competition on-site. The competition was divided into two tracks: the growth track and the employment track. Through class recommendations, four players from different grades participated in each track. During the competition, the players showcased their best state, elaborated on their career planning, specific practices, and achievements. The judges asked questions and provided comments based on the players’ on-site statements and performances, helping them further clarify their efforts.

After fierce competition among the participating players, Luo Wenxi from 2021 grade and Lin Rensong from 2020 grade respectively won the first place in the growth track and the employment track of this selection competition. The two players will represent the School of International Education in the first GZUC national college student career planning competition.

Thus, the selection competition of the first national college student career planning competition, themed “Realizing Youth Dream, Aspiring in All Directions: Launching Career and Guiding Futur”, hosted by the School of International Education, was completed successfully. This competition showcased the wonderful style of students of the School of International Education. May every student continually clarify their career goals in their daily studies and practices, and strive to achieve their life visions at an early date.






Graphic: Class H22-1, Class H23-1

Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Yang TingProofread by Zhang Xiaohua