From April 24th to 29th, Professor Wang Yang, Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education), and Dr. Zhang Xiaohua went to Beijing and Tianjin to carry out high-level talent recruitment. They established working contacts with five universities in Beijing: Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Politics and Law University, University of International Business and Economics, and Beijing Language and Culture University. They also conducted talent exchange forums with Beijing Normal University, Beijing Politics and Law University, University of International Business and Economics, and Beijing Language and Culture University. They participated in talent recruitment activities at the Beijing session and the Tianjin session of the 2023 High-Level Talent Exchange Conference.

Beijing Normal University, Beijing Politics and Law University, University of International Business and Economics, and Beijing Language and Culture University warmly received the research team from GZUC. During the forums, Professor Wang Yang explained the relevant information about the teaching research and recruitment based on the development history and educational characteristics of GZUC. As a pilot unit in Guizhou Province in the transformation period from a general undergraduate institution to an application-oriented one, GZUC has established the Inland Economy College in cooperation with the Department of Commerce of Guizhou Province. GZUC adheres to a combination of attracting external talent and cultivating internal talent, advocating the introduction of high-level talents in the field of new liberal arts and new engineering disciplines. In order to cultivate master in business English and talents proficient in minor languages in Southeast Asian countries, GZUC intends to introduce high-level talents and talent teams from home and abroad for disciplinary construction, and hopes to gain support from the aforementioned universities.

The heads of the Foreign Language Schools of Beijing Normal University, Beijing Politics and Law University, University of International Business and Economics, and Beijing Language and Culture University provided detailed information about the cultivation of foreign language talents, especially the employment situation of English doctoral students, foreign language talents proficient in minor languages, and business English talents. They also organized students with relevant professional backgrounds to participate in the forums for further communication.






On April 27th and 28th, Guizhou University of Commerce participated in the Beijing session and the Tianjin session of the 2023 High-Level Talent Exchange Conference. They communicated with high-level talents who came to inquire, provided a detailed interpretation of the school’s talent recruitment policies, received over 20 high-level talent resumes, and signed 15 letters of intent with high-level talents.


Through research at the four universities in Beijing and participation in the high-level talent exchange conference, they gained a better understanding of the high-level talents, business English teaching, and employment intentions of graduates proficient in small languages at major foreign language universities in Beijing. They established working contacts with Beijing Normal University, Beijing Politics and Law University, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Language and Culture University, and Beijing Foreign Studies University, while promoting GZUC’s talent recruitment policies, attracting more excellent talents to join our faculty team, and jointly promoting the high-quality development of the school.

Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Yang Ting, Proofread by Zhang Xiaohua