On April 12, 2023, the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) held a farewell party for retired teachers in the department’s conference room. Vice President and member of GZUC CPC Committee, Wen Daqiang, and Director of the Teacher Affairs Department, Cheng Zhixiang, attended the event. Three retired teachers, namely Wang Rong, Wang Shuhong, and Long Anbao, along with the CPC Secretary of the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education), Yan Yong, the Dean of the School of International Education, Han Jun, and the Vice Director of the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education), Wang Yang, as well as all the teachers from the department, were present. The meeting was chaired by Yan Yong.

The farewell party started with the song “Farewell”. Firstly, the three retired teachers gave speeches, expressing heartfelt thanks to the Department and to all the teachers. They shared their valuable work experience and life experiences and encouraged young teachers to cherish their youth, make achievements, and stated that they are still members of GZUC. They pledged to continue contributing to GZUC’s development and hoped GZUC would continue to improve. Young teacher presented flowers to the three retired teachers, expressing sincere admiration. Other teachers at the event also recalled their memories and experiences working together with the three retiring teachers over the years.

In his speech, Vice President Wen Daqiang, expressed GZUC’s gratitude for the retiring teachers’ years of hard work and contribution to the university. He fully acknowledged the outstanding achievements they have made in educational and teaching work. He wished the retiring teachers a rewarding and joyful retirement life, and he also hoped they would continue to pay attention to and support the university’s construction and development. He urged young teachers to learn from and inherit the excellent work style and rigorous work attitude of the retiring teachers, continuously improve the quality of education and teaching, enhance research capabilities, and fulfill the glorious mission of “educating people for CPC and nurturing talents for the country.”

In warm and enthusiastic atmosphere, the farewell party inspired the enthusiasm of young teachers in their work. It motivated everyone to remember their missions, and fulfill the noble responsibility of cultivating virtues and educating students with love and hope in their future work and lives.


Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Yang TingProofread by Zhang Xiaohua