On May 15, 2023, the School of International Education held a youth reading activity in Shangzhi Building 3A204, aiming to use reading as a carrier to create a good learning atmosphere and improve students’ enthusiasm for learning. Yan Yong, CPC Secretary of the School of International Education, Zhao Xueshan, Head of the League of the School of International Education, some excellent cadres and members of GZUC Youth League in 2022, new League members in 2023 and league branch committees of the School of International Education attended the meeting.

The activity started with the study of “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works”. At the meeting, Zhao Xueshan and Lin Rensong (outstanding 2022 GZUC Youth League Member) respectively led the students to learn “Ideological and political work is fundamentally the work of human beings” and “Actively cultivate and practice social practice” in “Selected Readings of Xi Jinping’s Works” Socialist Core Values, further recognizing the importance of doing a good job in ideological and political work in colleges and universities and the necessity of implementing the socialist core values. Later, members of the Youth League Committee of each class of 2022 of the School of International Education jointly recited the poem “May Fourth, Is the Flame of Youth”. The students’ passionate recitation and the blazing fire of youth spread in everybody’s heart. Jiang Mingxia (outstanding 2022 GZUC Youth League Cadre) and Zhang Jin (new Youth League member in 2023) shared their own growth experiences. The students at present said they will follow the best example in their study and life. Although the growth is tortuous and arduous, the future will ultimately be bright and lofty with efforts.

Finally, CPC Secretary Yan Yong made a concluding speech. He put forward three points for the students: First, students must establish good habits of lifelong learning. “Reading promotes writing.” Only by persisting in lifelong learning can we keep up with the development of the times; second, students must combine individual learning with collective learning. In daily study, students must learn to listen to the opinions of others, and be good at absorbing the essence of collective wisdom in collective learning and brainstorming; third, students must combine reading with practice, and integrate knowledge and action. Read thousands of books can  constantly improve people’s comprehensive abilities and qualities.

The reading activity enhanced students’ deep understanding of reading and further enhanced students’ reading enthusiasm. After the activity, students reflected that in the future, they will continue to take books as friends, love reading books, and regard reading and learning as a kind of life attitude and spiritual pursuit, and strive to improve their ideological level and ability to solve practical problems through reading, and finally achieve self-transcendence.



Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Li RuxianProofread by Zhang Xiaohua