
On April 18, School of International Education held a symposium on international education exchange and cooperation between GZUC and Thailand Siam University. Ma Chunping, assistant to the president of Siam University, Li Minxin, Director of the International Exchange Office, Cheng Zhixiang, Director of the Faculty Affairs Office of GZUC, Yan Yong, CPC Secretary of School of International Education, Zhao Xiang, Deputy CPC Secretary of School of Management, Zeng Fangjun, Deputy Dean, and relevant staff members of School of International Education attended the meeting, which was chaired by Wang Yang, Deputy Dean of School of International Education.

Cheng Zhixiang extended a warm welcome to the delegation from Siam University on behalf of GZUC, expressing gratitude and appreciation for the contributions made by Siam University in faculty and student development. He stated that GZUC will continue to attach importance to teacher training, increase efforts in talent development, and provide more platforms for international education cooperation and exchange.

Ma Chunping congratulated GZUC on its achievements and development in recent years. She mentioned that GZUC, with its focus on commerce and its establishment and growth based on commerce, shares similarities with Siam University, which is affiliated with Charoen Pokphand Group. In the future, there will be broader opportunities for cooperation in disciplines and academic fields. Li Minxin provided detailed information on the specific situation of degree education and discipline construction at Siam University, providing more ways and platforms for in-depth cooperation and sharing of excellent faculty resources between the two universities.

The symposium mainly focused on discussions about degree education, research and academic exchanges, teacher resources and student exchanges between China and Thailand, student study tours and practical experiences. Zhao Xiang and Zeng Fangjun, as the first batch of doctoral graduates who studied at Siam University, expressed gratitude for the opportunity provided by GZUC to study in Thailand. They will actively promote and cooperate in the future cooperation between the two universities.

Finally, Wang Yang stated that in recent years, GZUC has increased international education exchanges and cooperation, and has successfully implemented long-term and short-term cooperation projects such as studying abroad and study tours with many countries and regions. It is believed that in the future, both GZUC and Siam University will have more development platforms.

This symposium provides new ideas and directions to strengthen cooperation between the two universities and will effectively promote further and deeper international education exchanges and cooperation between the two universities.

Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

(Translated by Fei Guanghui,Proofread by Zhang Xiaohua)