To comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, promote reforms and innovations in foreign language teaching in universities, and contribute to the high-quality construction of curriculum ideology and politics, Guizhou Provincial Foreign Language Association anual conference was held at Guizhou Normal University on October 21, 2023. This conference was guided by  Department of Education of Guizhou Province, hosted by Guizhou Society of Foreign Languages, co-hosted by Guizhou Normal University, and co-organized by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Publishing House. The heads of foreign language departments and teachers from more than 20 univesities in Guizhou Province attended this symposium. Professor Wang Yang, the Vice Director (Vice Dean) of the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) , Dr. Zhang Xiaohua, Director of the Business English Teaching and Research Office, Zhang Jiao, Deputy Director of the Public Foreign Language Teaching and Research Office, and Shi Jinyu, the Deputy Director of the Teaching and Science Office, participated the conference.

At the opening ceremony, Professor Xiong Shihuan, the Deputy CPC Secretary of Guizhou Normal University, and Professor Liu Zhaohui, the Honorary President of Guizhou Society of Foreign Languages and professor at Guizhou Normal University, delivered speeches. Subsequently, Professor Mu Yang, Dean of the School of English at Beijing Language and Culture University and the Deputy Director of the Department of Foreign Languages, gave a keynote report entitled “Curriculum Construction and Foreign Language Teaching Reform of ‘Understanding Contemporary China’.” Professor Mu Yang introduced the guidance and application of the “Understanding Contemporary China” curriculum in the reform of foreign language teaching from the perspectives of textbook compilation, reform of content and methods, and setting of teaching objectives. Finally, Professor Shen Lin from Guizhou University and Associate Professor Zhang Yu from Guizhou Normal University respectively shared examples of ideological and political courses in the curriculum.

Professor Shen Lin designed an English speech course for university students based on the “output-oriented approach,” while Associate Professor Zhang Yu explained the understanding of ideological and political education in college foreign language courses from the perspective of overall foreign language teaching using translation courses as an example. After sharing their examples, Professors Liu Zhaohui and Xiao Tangjin, the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Guizhou Minzu University, engaged in discussions on topics such as understanding contemporary China and the ideological and political aspects of foreign language courses.

After the conference, all teachers from the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) expressed that they were greatly inspired and benefited. Wang Yang emphasized that the Department will take this opportunity to further deepen the reform of ideological and political teaching in foreign language courses, fulfill the fundamental task of cultivating virtue and nurturing talents, and contribute to the high-quality development of GZUC.




Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

Translated by Fei GuanghuiProofread by Zhang Xiaohua