On August 23rd, after deliberation and approval by the Presidents’ meeting, a public notice was issued for the declaration of Business English major at GZUC. With this, the application of Business English major has been successfully completed.

On July 14th, the Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education) received instructions from GZUC to apply for Business English major. The following aspects of work were carried out:

Firstly, Vice Dean Wang Yang arranged and mobilized the current teachers of the Business English Teaching and Research Office to start this work. They familiarized themselves with the materials from previous years and carried out the work according to the various contents of the application form. Vice Dean Wang Yang led the teachers in collecting materials, extensively referring to mature and successful materials related to Business English major, and writing the materials. Wang Yang contacted Business English experts both within and outside Guizhou Province to provide guidance on the work, and also invited experts to GZUC to evaluate materials.

After the first round of submission of the materials, some experts in GZUC raised issues to improve the materials. The teachers in Business English Teaching and Research Office made modifications and improvements to the materials, including refining the language, rationalizing the curriculum design, calculating table data, and aligning courses with training objectives and secondary indicators. After the second round of expert discussions, a significant amount of modifications were made to the materials. Since the later stage of material modification took place during the summer vacation with limited time and heavy tasks, the Department and Business English Teaching and Research Office held multiple online and offline meetings to facilitate the progress of the work. All teachers in Business English Teaching and Research Office participated, and ultimately was approved by the Presidents’ Office meeting, completing the improvement and uploading of the materials for this Business English major.  

Source: Department of Foreign Languages (School of International Education)

(Translated by Fei Guanghui,Proofread by Zhang Xiaohua)