On September 19, Rowan Courtney O'Connor, CEO and President of ICMS, Jackie Chang, Vice President, Yu Yue, Project Manager of China Region, and Huang Xiaomin, Development Manager of the International Marketing Department of ICMS, came to GZUC for a one-day visit. Professor Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee, met with President Rowan and his delegation in the VIP Hall of the Hubin Convention Center. Wen Daqiang, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President, and relevant leaders from the Office of the Party Committee and the School of International Education attended the meeting.



Lyu Guofu first expressed, on behalf of GZUC, a sincere welcome to Rowan and his delegation. He noted that due to the pandemic, leaders from both universities had not been able to meet or conduct face-to-face exchanges. This meeting was an important moment eagerly awaited by both sides. He hoped that the visit would serve as an opportunity for both universities to deepen communication on various important issues related to the Sino-foreign cooperative education program they are running together, laying a solid foundation for further development of the program and for achieving more substantial results in future cooperation. Rowan expressed his gratitude for the warm reception and thorough preparation for this visit by GZUC. He mentioned that he was impressed by the good campus environment, the spirited students, and the achievements in the university's construction and development. He believed that with the joint efforts of both universities, the Sino-foreign cooperative education program would continue to develop significantly. At the end of the meeting, the two universities exchanged gifts as a memento.


After the meeting, Lyu Guofu accompanied Rowan and his delegation to visit the Smart Tourism Laboratory in Shangneng Building. Zhou Li, Deputy Director of the Center of Practical Teaching, introduced the smart tourism training room, practical operation area, virtual simulation equipment and other facilities to the foreign guests in detail. At the same time, it also showcased the cooperative results of GZUC's exhibition major with the government and enterprises, student projects to help rural revitalization, awards in discipline competitions and other talent training achievements. Rowan stated that GZUC has provided fully functional and well-equipped training facilities for students of various majors, reflecting the high importance and substantial investment in talent cultivation. The achievements of the students represent the effective teaching of the university and the serious attitude of the students in their diligent studies.


The Sino-foreign cooperative education program in Exhibition Economy and Management, jointly organized by GZUC and ICMS, has enrolled four batches of students and will undergo an evaluation by the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education next year. At this critical juncture, the visit of leaders from ICMS plays a significant role in advancing the sustained and healthy development of the cooperative education between the two universities, further reaching consensus, and laying an important foundation for expanding multi-level and multi-dimensional cooperation between the two universities.


(Translated by Wang Xuefang, Proofread by Tao Jue)