Lyu Guofu, Party Secretary of GZUC, presides over the opening ceremony of the China-ASEAN Inland Open Economic Cooperation and Development Forum held in Guiyang on Aug 27. 

As one of the main forums of the 2023 China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week, the China-ASEAN Inland Open Economic Cooperation and Development Forum will hold discussions on the theme of "Inland Open Economic Cooperation and Development under the RCEP System", aiming to build a learning and exchange platform for experts and scholars from China and ASEAN countries. The forum invites leaders and scholars from government departments, scientific research institutions and universities at home and abroad to discuss together and explore a new path for Guizhou Province to accelerate the building of inland open economy.


Forum Site

The forum was hosted by Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences, Department of Commerce of Guizhou Province and Guizhou University of Commerce, co-organized by Regional Association of Art Education in Asia, and jointly supported by Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, Guangxi Federation of Social Sciences, Chongqing Federation of Social Sciences, Sichuan Federation of Social Sciences, Yunnan Federation of Social Sciences, Chongqing Technology and Business University. More than 120 experts and scholars from the political, academic and business circles from China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries gathered to explore the inland open economic cooperation and development under the RCEP system.


Yang Wei, Vice Secretary of the Education Work Committee of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Member of the Party Group of Department of Education of Guizhou Province.

"China and ASEAN are linked by mountains and rivers and their friendly relations have a long history" Yang Wei said. At the opening ceremony of the forum, Yang Wei, Vice Secretary of the Education Work Committee of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and Member of the Party Group of Department of Education of Guizhou Province, congratulated the forum. Yang Wei expressed the hope that the Inland Open Economy Forum, as an important dialogue mechanism, can become a treasure house of wisdom to solve the problems of the times and promote the exchanges and cooperation of regional higher education.

"In recent years, through the Cooperation Week, Guizhou universities have actively promoted educational exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, constantly expanded the opening up of education to the outside world, and built a closer educational cooperation community, contributing to promoting exchanges and mutual learning of Asian civilizations." It is hoped that the two sides will further deepen exchanges with ASEAN countries in higher education, vocational education, private education, cooperative education, youth exchanges, cultural exchanges and other aspects, train more outstanding talents for the inland open economy, and add inexhaustible impetus to the inland open economic cooperation and development of China and ASEAN." She expressed the hope that through the platform of the China-ASEAN Inland Open Economic Cooperation and Development Forum, all the parties can continuously strengthen exchanges and dialogue, maintain multilateral consensus, focus on practical actions, tap cooperation potential, explore new directions for China-ASEAN inland open economic cooperation, and actively build a China-ASEAN community of shared future.


Ma Lei, Party Secretary and Director of the Department of Commerce of Guizhou Province.

"With the continuous successful holding of the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week, Guizhou's experience in foreign education exchange and cooperation has been accumulating, and the results have been continuously showing, and the use of education as a 'medium' has continuously boosted economic and social development." At the opening ceremony of the forum, Ma Lei, Party Secretary and Director of the Department of Commerce of Guizhou Province, introduced the economic and trade cooperation between Guizhou and ASEAN. In recent years, Guizhou has given full play to its location advantages, and its economic and trade scale with ASEAN has continued to expand, and ASEAN has become Guizhou's largest trading partner. In 2022, Guizhou's trade volume with ASEAN increased by 101 percent and again increased by 44 percent in the first half of this year.

"We will fully absorb the new concepts, new ideas and new paths discussed at the transformation forum and make it a practical action to promote Guizhou to build a new highland of inland open economy." Ma Lei expressed the hope that the forum will help expand exchanges and enhance friendship with friends from all walks of life in ASEAN, facilitate unimpeded trade and investment, and promote the deep integration of the industrial, supply and value chains of the two sides.


Narong, an expert of Deputy Ministerial Level of Ministry of Agriculture of Thailand

"Under the new situation of internationalization, the China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week, as a platform and carrier, has made outstanding contributions to regional education, economy and other fields, and built a platform for exchanges between countries in education, economy and culture." Narong, an expert of Deputy Ministerial Level of Ministry of Agriculture of Thailand, expressed the hope that through the international bridge of China-ASEAN Educational Cooperation Week, the two sides will deepen cooperation in education, agricultural economy and other fields, and better promote the rapid development and progress of agricultural economy and agricultural science and technology.


Zhang Yunhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences

In recent years, under the leadership of the Party Committee of Guizhou Province and Provincial Government, Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences has united and led social science workers to closely focus on the major topic of Guizhou's opening and cooperation to neighboring provinces, Yangtze River Delta, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and ASEAN Region, and carried out a large number of academic research and academic exchanges, and achieved positive results. "Today's forum is also a display of achievements." Zhang Yunhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Federation of Social Sciences, said that he hoped to promote the forum to produce more achievements through sincere, rigorous and in-depth discussions and exchanges between experts and scholars at home and abroad and inside and outside the province. It is hoped that scholars in Guizhou can fully grasp this opportunity to make friends, broaden their horizons, activate their thinking, show their style of study, and push their academic research to a new level and achieve new results.


Lyu Guofu, Party Secretary of GZUC

At the main forum, participants looked forward to the future around the theme of "Inland open economic Cooperation and Development under the RCEP System", and deeply discussed topics such as "high-level opening and channel construction", "multidimensional exchanges and cooperation in ASEAN" and "RCEP and digital economy".

Xu Hongqiang, Director of the Research Office of the Foreign Economic and Trade Department of the Development Research Center of The State Council, delivered a keynote speech entitled "RCEP and China's Opening"; Pornjit Arunyakanon, President of Thongsook College of Thailand, introduced the exchange and cooperation between RCEP and Chinese universities; Li Ping, Special Assistant to the President of Shandong University of Technology, Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of Shandong University and Minister of the Department of Economics and Management, shared the research results of "Institution-oriented Opening Boosts High-quality Economic Development in Inland Regions"; Li Shiwei, President of Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, shared the topic of "RCEP Regional Trade Effect"; Wang Jun, Dean of the Institute of International Economics and Trade of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, shared and exchanged the research results of "Promoting RCEP Industrial Chain Cooperation through Institutional Opening"; And Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee of GZUC, held an exchange discussion on “The Strategy and Path for Promoting High-level Opening of Guizhou Province”.

Lyu Guofu, Party Secretary of GZUC, said that in recent years, GZUC has taken the initiative to serve the overall situation of national construction and opening, continued to deepen international cooperation of "Belt and Road Initiative", continuously improved the level of international education, formed a new pattern of all-round, multi-level and high-quality cooperation and exchange, and constantly improved the quality of talent training. The University gives full play to Guizhou's geographical advantages and its own characteristics in education, and has established the first inland open college of economics in China to provide talent support for Guizhou's development of an open economy. The forum aims to further deepen the exchanges and cooperation with Southeast Asian countries in the field of education, gather together the development of inland open economy, work together, and explore new paths, provide new experience and make new contributions for Guizhou to accelerate the development of inland open economy.


Group Photo of Guests

Source: Tianyan News of Guizhou Daily

(Translated by Li Qian, Proofread by Li Jun)