In early autumn, GZUC welcomed nearly 3,000 new students from Grade 2023 near Maijia River. In order to enable freshmen to adapt to college life as soon as possible, hone their will, build up their physique and enhance their national defense concept through military training, GZUC held a grand opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting for freshmen of Grade 2023 at 9:00 am on August 22, 2023 in the stadium. The leaders who attended the meeting were Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Luo Bing, President and Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Chen Yingyong, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, Tian Huilin, Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection,  Vice President Zhang Yong, Vice President Wen Daqiang, Vice President Yang Yu, Party Member Chen Xiaoping, Party Member Gou Xianmao, leaders of the training forces, and the heads of the teaching departments and relevant functional departments. The meeting was presided over by Vice Secretary Chen Yingyong.



At the meeting, President Luo Bing, on behalf of all the staff of the university, expressed his heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome to freshmen of Grade 2023, and expressed his heartfelt thanks and high respect to the parents, family members and teachers who worked hard to raise the students. President Luo Bing welcomed the freshmen to become a member of GZUC. He hoped that the freshmen have goals and correct orientation; They should take responsibility and be the pillar of strength, endure hardships and exercise resilience, struggle, and practice excellent skills. At the same time, he also hoped freshmen to be a true striver, unite knowledge with action, and explore new knowledge with a new look. Don’t be limited by the success or failure of a certain moment and place, do not be conceited when you are doing well, do not lose your ambition when you are frustrated, stick to your original intention, and move forward firmly towards the goal.



The Party Committee of GZUC decided to appoint Vice Secretary Chen Yingyong as the political commissar of the 2023 freshman military training division, and Vice President Zhang Yong as the division commander. At the meeting, Secretary Lyu Guofu awarded the flag to Zhang Yong, the division commander, and solemnly announced the start of military training for freshmen of Grade 2023!

At the meeting, Zhang Di, a teacher from the School of Economics and Finance, and Du Ziyang, a student majoring in Accounting from the School of Accounting, delivered speeches as teacher representative and freshman representative, respectively.

After the meeting, the freshmen of grade 2023 conducted military training under the organization of the training instructor.


Source: Department of Student Affairs

(Translated by Li Qian, Proofread by Li Jun)