This research aims to further strengthen the cooperation between GZUC and Guizhou Modern Logistics Industry Group. Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee of GZUC and Luo Bing, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and President of GZUC led a delegation to Guizhou Modern Logistics Industry Group for discussion and exchange with the Party Secretary and Chairman, Ren Ren. Additionally, Ren Jiansheng, head of the 19th Tour Guidance Group on the theme education of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Head Huang Guangqin, and the Member Chang Rui also participated in this research.



At the symposium, Ren Jiansheng, head of the Guidance Group, said that GZUC conscientiously implemented the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, focused on new technologies, new models, new business formats, and new industries, adhered to integrity and innovation, and actively promoted the upgrading and transformation of traditional business. Integrated development of new business and new engineering had huge development potential. The university had extensive needs with large state-owned enterprises in terms of talent training. It was hoped that both parties would continue to cooperate in depth in resource sharing, industry-university-research cooperation, talent training, etc., and find more integration points and innovation points in university-enterprise cooperation, contributing to the modern construction of Colorful Guizhou.


Lyu Guofu hopes that this research will provide an opportunity to pragmatically and efficiently promote university-enterprise cooperation based on the principles of "Union, Complementarity, Win-Win, and Development." Firstly, he suggests exploring new models of collaborative talent development. Starting from demand, both parties can build a "shared" talent cultivation mechanism, moving classrooms into workshops and bringing colleges into enterprises, effectively connecting talent development with employment needs. Secondly, collaborate in resource development. Guided by the concept of new development, the college and enterprises jointly create a community of shared destiny in politics-industry-education-research, and work together in the construction of teaching resources, research platforms, and internship and employment bases, achieving effective connections among education, industry, and talent. Lastly, collaboration should promote employment. Efforts should be made to effectively connect students' learning in college with the job market, achieving mutual benefits for both the college and enterprises.


Chairman Ren Ren expressed a warm welcome to Lyu Guofu and his delegation. He emphasized the current development status of the enterprise, business operations, and future strategic goals. Chairman Ren congratulated GZUC on its achievements in education, as it has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents in the field of commerce and logistics, receiving wide recognition from various sectors of society. He expressed his hope that both parties would identify points of cooperation and innovation, and engage in deep collaboration in talent development, student employment, and exchange programs to achieve profound integration of industry and education. The goal is to continuously enhance the pertinence and adaptability of talent cultivation, and provide excellent graduates who are capable, reliable, and well-suited for the enterprises. Chairman Ren looks forward to fruitful outcomes from the cooperation between both parties at an early date.




Prior to the meeting, accompanied by Chairman Ren Ren, Lyu Guofu and Luo Bing visited the Niulangguan Modern Logistics Industrial Park, the Park’s Smart Warehouse of Phase 1, the Park’s Renovation Project of Phase 2, and the Command and Dispatch Center at the Smart Cloud Warehouse of the Data Intelligence Technology Company. Heads of relevant departments and administrative leaders of the secondary schools of GZUC participated in the research.


(Translated by Li Jun, Proofread by Li Qian)