On June 26th, the graduation ceremony and degree award ceremony for graduates of 2023 were solemnly held at the Campus Motto Square. Lyu Guofu, Secretary of the Party Committee, Luo Bing, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and President, Chen Xiaoping, Member of the Party Committee, as well as Members of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee attended the graduation ceremony. Chen Yingyong, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee, and Zhang Yong, Vice President, respectively presided over the graduation ceremony and the degree award ceremony.


The graduation ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem.


Lyu Guofu delivered a heartfelt message to graduates of 2023 with the theme "Embarking on a New Era and Sailing Further". He expressed his deep emotions and addressed the graduates, highlighting their journey throughout the four years of university. Lyu Guofu acknowledged the unity and mutual support among classmates, their perseverance in overcoming difficulties, and their continuous growth and maturity. He emphasized that the entire faculty and students have been witnesses to the development of the university, experienced the challenges posed by the pandemic, actively participated in teaching reforms, strived for progress, practiced the values of faith and integrity, and benefited from the practical application of knowledge. Together, they have shared the glory with the university.


Lyu Guofu expressed three hopes to the students: 1. Firm belief and commitment. Lyu Guofu encouraged the students to firmly hold on to their ideals and beliefs, remembering the Party's trust in them. As they embark on their youth, he urged them to strengthen their patriotism and align their personal aspirations with the development of the nation. By striving tirelessly and dedicating themselves to places where the Party and the people need them the most, they can make their youth shine and exchange their relentless efforts for a valuable and colorful life, safeguarding the hard-won era of peace and stability. 2. Character and ability: Lyu Guofu emphasized the importance of cultivating character and abilities, practicing the motto "A Strong Nation Relies on Each of Us." He encouraged students to approach their studies with diligence and perseverance and strive to develop solid skills. By being down-to-earth and resolute in their pursuits, they can shoulder the responsibilities of the youth in the new era. Lyu Guofu encouraged the students to integrate their personal ambitions with the grand blueprint of national rejuvenation, leading their lives to new heights. 3. Action and practicality. Lyu Guofu urged the students to uphold the values of hard work and practicality, pursuing their "youthful dreams" without regrets. He emphasized that the realization of beauty in the world can only be achieved through honest labor, and the challenges of development can only be overcome through innovation. Lyu Guofu urged the students to be proactive and not just theorists. They should courageously take on responsibilities, do their best in every task, and embrace a life of significance. With the confidence of "what is created will surely succeed", the determination to triumph in battles, and the perseverance to excel in work, they should have a sense of urgency in the rapid advancement of the era, a sense of crisis in the digital age, and a sense of responsibility to take the lead. Lyu Guofu also encouraged the students to maintain a curious mind, continuously seek knowledge, embrace new things and technologies, and to contribute to the cause of the country and the people with dedication. He emphasized the importance of an enterprising spirit, constantly seeking self-improvement and surpassing oneself. Lastly, he advised the students to maintain a calm and inclusive mindset, learning to let go and striving to become reliable business people with excellent skills and practical abilities.


Luo Bing,on behalf of the university, congratulated the graduates and expressed gratitude to the hardworking faculty and parents. He pointed out that the graduates of 2023 have endured the test of the pandemic, successfully completing their studies while actively participating in volunteering activities to fight against the virus, demonstrating the responsibility and commitment of GZUC youth. He commended their progress and contributions during the "Golden Ten Years" of Guizhou, as they have dedicated themselves to society, supported rural revitalization, and served their country with enthusiasm, enriching the spiritual character of GZUC. Luo Bing presented five expectations for the students who are about to enter society. 1. Patriotism: He encouraged the students to embrace a sense of patriotism, recognizing their duty to the nation and its rejuvenation. 2. Virtue and self-improvement: He emphasized the importance of cultivating good character and ethics, urging them to constantly improve themselves. 3. Embracing the "Digital Era": He advised the students to adapt to the advancements in technology, particularly digitalization, and effectively utilize it to their advantage. 4. Being honest and cautious in speech: He encouraged the students to speak truthfully and thoughtfully, promoting open and constructive communication. 5. Action and practicality: He urged the students to be pragmatic and steadfast in their pursuit of goals, emphasizing the importance of taking action and making a real impact. Luo Bing expressed his hope that the students would strive to become the new generation capable of fulfilling the mission of national rejuvenation, composing their own magnificent chapters of success, achievements, glory, and brilliance.

Zhang Yong read out "The Decision on Granting the Graduation of 2,484 Ordinary Full-time Undergraduate Students of 2023, including Wu Zhongchun" and "The Decision on Granting Bachelor's Degrees to 2,482 Ordinary Full-time Undergraduate Graduates of 2023, including Wu Zhongchun"; Chen Yingyong read out "The Decision of GZUC to Commend Outstanding Graduates of 2023", "The Decision of GZUC to Commend Outstanding Party Members of 2023". Leaders of GZUC issue graduation certificates and honorary certificates to graduate representatives, outstanding graduate representatives, and outstanding graduate party member representatives.



Teacher representative Zhao Xue and graduate representative Yuan Zhihan delivered speeches.

The graduation ceremony came to a close. More than 1,000 people including leaders from all secondary schools and relevant departments, teacher representatives, and graduate representatives attended the graduation ceremony.


(Translated by Li Jun, Proofread by Li Qian)