In order to further study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress, publicize and implement “The Special Provisions on Labor Protection of Female Workers in Guizhou Province”, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of female workers according to the law, according to the requirements of “The Notice of the Female Workers Committee of Guizhou Federation of Labour Unions on Carrying Out a Series of Public Lecture Activities on the Health Knowledge of Female Workers in 2023”, at 15 pm on May 24, GZUC invited Luo Ke, Deputy Director of the Breast Surgery Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University, to give a public lecture on health knowledge for teachers and students.


Dr. Luo Ke, who has been engaged in breast surgery for more than 20 years, is currently Member of the Professional Committee of Breast Disease of the Chinese Medical Education Association, Member of the Organizing Committee and Secretary of the Professional Committee of Breast Cancer of Guizhou Anti-cancer Association, and Member of the Standing Committee of the Breast Disease Quality Control Center of Guizhou Province. Dr. Luo Ke has come to GZUC to guide female staff and students to establish correct health concepts and life concepts. Combining his many years of clinical practice and experience, Luo Ke deeply analyzed the causes of breast cancer, and guided teachers and students to actively prevent breast diseases from diet, dress, medication and psychological and lifestyle habits.


The lecture had a good effect, and more than 80 representatives of teachers and students who participated in the lecture said that they would care more about their health in the future life, prevent, detect and treat breast diseases early, and reduce the mortality rate of breast diseases.


Source: Labour Union

(Translated by Wu Yonghua, Proofread by Zhao Wenjia)