On the afternoon of May 18, the signing ceremony of Modern Trade and Service Park of Shiban as practice teaching base of GZUC and a job fair, hosted by GZUC and the United Front Work Department of Guiyang Municipal Committee, were held in the Western Building Materials City of Modern Trade and Service Park of Shiban, Huaxi District. At the ceremony, Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the United Front work Department Xu Hong, Vice Secretary of GZUC Party Committee Chen Yingyong, Member of the Standing Committee of the Huaxi District Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department Zhang Lin delivered speeches. Zeng Zhiyun, Deputy President and Secretary-general of Shiban Modern Trade and Service Park Chamber of Commerce, spoke as a representative of entrepreneurs. The leaders from GZUC signed a contract with the park leaders and entrepreneurs. Chen Yingyong, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of GZUC, awarded the certificate to the base of practical teaching.



Han Xuesong, Executive Vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Wang Bing, Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce, Yu Yang, District Chief and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Huaxi District, Wang Wenjing, Deputy Chairman of the CPPCC of Huaxi District and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shiban Town, relevant leaders of GZUC and representatives of entrepreneurs attended the signing ceremony.


On behalf of the Guiyang Municipal Committee of CPC, the Municipal Work Group and the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Hong congratulated on the success of the event, and thanked GZUC, the majority of entrepreneurs and chambers of commerce for actively participating in "Building Talents and Strengthening the Provincial Capital" Action to attract college graduates to work in Guiyang. He pointed out that since the launch of the employment and entrepreneurship action of "Building talents and Strengthening the Provincial Capital", the leadership team of GZUC has attached great importance to it, and the majority of private entrepreneurs in the Shiban Park have responded positively and actively participated, effectively promoting the convergence of talents and providing good intellectual support for the high-quality development of "Strengthening the Provincial Capital". He hoped that the university, the park, and the enterprise would take this signing as a new starting point, focus on the linkage of employment, entrepreneurship, majors, enterprises, and careers, actively explore new paths and models for university-enterprise cooperation, further improve the cooperation mechanism, enrich the connotation of cooperation, enhance the level of cooperation, expand the results of cooperation, build a vast world for more college graduates to display their talents, realize their ambitions, and achieve their dreams, and provide more talent support and intellectual support for "Strengthening the Provincial Capital".


On behalf of GZUC, Chen Yingyong welcomed the leaders and entrepreneurs, and expressed his heartfelt thanks to the United Front Work Department of Guiyang Municipal Committee, the Party Committee of Huaxi District and District Government for their strong support. He said that in line with the positioning of the local application-oriented undergraduate university, the university attached great importance to the construction of practical teaching base, with the help of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee, with the strong support of the Party Committee of Huaxi District and the District Government, the university and Shiban Modern Trade and Logistics Park decided to strengthen the cooperation between the university and the local enterprise, establish a practical teaching base of GZUC, and build a good platform for students' practice, employment and entrepreneurship.


Zhang Lin said that the cooperation had realized the combination of intellectual resources, educational advantages and enterprise achievements transformation, and market development, which would surely promote the industrial development of the park to a new level, provide new momentum and contribute new strength for the high-quality economic and social development of Huaxi District.


Zeng Zhiyun said that gathering outstanding talents was the key factor and fundamental guarantee for the high-quality development of the Shiban Park. He thanked GZUC for cultivating a large number of outstanding graduates for the society, and also thanked the enterprises in the park for excavating many high-quality positions.


After the signing ceremony, nearly 700 students from Grade 2019 and 2020 of GZUC participated in the job fair, and a total of 108 enterprises provided more than 1,000 positions.


GZUC and Shiban Modern Trade and Service Park would take this event as an opportunity to further deepen cooperation, give full play to the advantages of the university, the park and the enterprise, and jointly create a new model of cooperation involving industry, education, research and use to achieve win-win cooperation.


(Translated by Wu Yonghua, Proofread by Zhao Wenjia)