At 14:00 on May 10th, the 2023 Annual Committee Conference of GZUC and ICMS was held in the second conference room of the Hubin Convention Center. Luo Bing, Vice Party Secretary and President of GZUC; Wen Daqiang, Party Member and Vice President; Han Jun, Dean of College of Tourism Management and School of International Education; Wang Yang, Vice Dean of School of International Education; Rowan Courtney O 'Connor, CEO of ICMS and Deputy Director of Joint Management Committee; Dr Trevor Clark, Dean of ICMS (Undergraduate) ; Steve Dally, Vice President of Marketing Department and Jackie Chang, Vice President of Institutional Alliance attended the conference, chaired by Han Jun.


Luo Bing made a speech, summarized the operation of the cooperative project between the two universities, and thanked the foreign departments and teaching teams for their support and efforts for the project. He hopes that in the future cooperation, the two universities can strengthen the goals of cooperative education and strive to improve the quality of education; establish a cooperation and exchange mechanism to strengthen mutual visits and exchanges between teachers and students; jointly build high-quality educational resources and jointly cultivate high-quality talents.

Rowan Courtney O 'Connor affirmed the cooperation between the two sides, hoping that the two sides can deepen cooperation, strengthen student exchanges and teacher visits, etc., and the two sides can make progress and development together in the cooperative education program.


The Joint Management Committee listened to the report of the project leader. Wang Yang made a detailed report to the Management Committee on the operation of the project, the enrollment situation, the opening of courses, the situation of Chinese teachers, the monitoring of teaching quality and the problems to be solved. Han Jun reported on the work of preparing for the first evaluation of the 2024 project by the Ministry of Education, and exchanged views with the Australian side on relevant matters. Jackie Chang introduced the foreign teachers' participation in teaching, the English Improvement Plan and the Australian side's emphasis on students studying abroad for postgraduate studies, and explained the relevant arrangements for excellent teachers to continue to teach in GZUC and promote teacher-student exchanges.

Subsequently, the Project Committee discussed and exchanged views on issues related to the cooperation in education and the next stage of cooperation, covering the following topics: the project evaluation of the Ministry of Education, the issue of  teaching of Australian teachers in China in the post-epidemic era, the improvement of teaching management, the review of the adjusted list of members of the Joint Management Committee, and in-depth exchanges between teachers and students and scientific research cooperation between the two universities.


Since the cooperation between the two sides, GZUC has established a multi-level long-term communication mechanism with ICMS, providing many constructive plans for the development of the project and achieving substantive results under the joint efforts of the two universities. With the gradual liberalization of exit and entry policies in the post-epidemic era, the two sides will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation to help the bilateral international exchanges and cooperation to a new level.


(Translated by Wu Yonghua, Proofread by Zhao Wenjia)