On April 23, in order to further promote university-enterprise cooperation, achieve the integration of industry and education, improve the effectiveness of education, and understand the internship situation of graduates of GZUC in 2023, President Luo Bing went to the Management Trainee Training Base of Beijing Hualian Lifestyle Market to investigate and visit intern students.


(President Luo Bing and his delegation visited Beijing Hualian Lifestyle Market)

President Luo Bing, accompanied by Hu Ruiliang, General Manager of Beijing Hualian in Beijing Region, visited the store and exchanged views. The relevant leaders in charge of the enterprise introduced the management trainee training base, training planning, the number of trainees and the current training situation, and showed the management trainee training system of Beijing Hualian Lifestyle Market in detail, actively creating a good working environment, and helping students adapt to their social roles as soon as possible, actively change their mentality, improve themselves and make contributions in practice.

After the visit, President Luo Bing had a discussion with the relevant leaders in charge of Beijing Hualian Lifestyle Market, management trainees and outstanding alumni. At the symposium, General Manager Hu Ruiliang shared his story of growing up in Beijing Hualian and becoming the only General Manager born in the 1990s. Liu Wanqin, Monitor of management trainees graduating in 2020 , Zhao Yonghui, a management trainee graduating in 2022 , and Luo Linxiang, Leader of the management trainee project (graduating in 2020), shared their experiences of "ups and downs" in employment from three perspectives: first experience in employment, honing their skills, and practice to help growth. They hoped the fellow students to cherish their time, learn skills down-to-earth, unite knowledge and action to create brilliance, and live up to their time.


(President Luo Bing spoke at the symposium)

After listening to the work of the previous management trainees, President Luo Bing affirmed the students' hard-working spirit and achievements, kindly asked the students' living conditions, understood the students' ideological dynamics, and said that the university will work with the enterprise to help the students' growth. President Luo Bing encouraged the students to work hard, continue to carry forward the business spirit of being willing to bear hardships and struggle in their work practice, and strive to improve their professional skills and comprehensive quality.

Finally, President Luo Bing fully expressed his recognition of the talent training system of Beijing Hualian, and expressed his sincere thanks on behalf of the university to the training and dedication of the students by Beijing Hualian. He hoped that on the basis of the original university-enterprise cooperation, GZUC would actively explore new models, focus on "business", make efforts in "new" and achieve results in "application". Continue to promote various in-depth cooperation, cultivate and highlight the characteristics of "progress together with regional economic development, and win-win growth with industry enterprises".


In the next step, GZUC will continue to take university-enterprise cooperation as an important starting point, perform social responsibilities together with enterprises, take training applied talents as a starting point, and through the "integration of industry and education, and collaborative education" model, cultivate more high-quality applied talents who meet the requirements of the new era, have comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor skills, solid professional foundation, strong practical ability, business acumen, creative vitality, spirit of responsibility and practical style.

Chen Xingke, Director of the Office of the President, accompanied the visit.

(Translated by Wu Yonghua, Proofread by Zhao Wenjia)