In order to implement the spirit of the 20th National Party Congress, conscientiously implement the decisions of the Central Committee of CPC, the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, and the Provincial Government on "stabilizing employment" and "ensuring employment," as well as the spirit of the second coordination video conference on employment for the 2023 national college graduates held by the Ministry of Education, on March 10, 2023, Higher Education Employment Office of Department of Education of Guizhou Province held a video conference to coordinate the employment work for the 2023 college graduates in Guizhou Province. The leaders who attended the meeting and made arrangements were Director Zhanghua, Vice Director Zhou Ming of the Higher Education Employment Office of Department of Education of Guizhou Province etc.


GZUC set up a sub-venue in the second conference room of the Hubin Convention Center. The attendees included Chen Yingyong, Vice Secretary of the Party Committee of GZUC, leaders in charge of the Department of Student Affairs (Department of Armed Forces, Office of Student Affairs, Office of Enrolment and Employment), and relevant staff members, as well as Vice Secretaries of the Party Branches of each secondary school, staff responsible for employment, and all graduation class counselors.

 Comrades from Guizhou University, Tongren University, and Southwest Guizhou Vocational Technical College for Nationalities made speeches on the progress of employment work for the 2023 graduates and the next steps.


Director Zhang Hua pointed out that efforts should be made in eight areas: raising political awareness, strengthening situation analysis, expanding the job market, enhancing policy projects, providing vocational guidance, offering assistance to those facing difficulties, strengthening employment statistics, and ensuring accountability in order to effectively promote the employment of graduates. Vice Director Zhou Ming reported on the current progress of employment for college graduates in Guizhou Province, the visits to enterprises by university presidents, and the completion of campus job fairs by various universities.

The staff responsible for employment from all levels of GZUC will carefully understand the spirit of this meeting, fully grasp the policies, implement the work effectively, and make early arrangements and achieve results early in promoting the employment and starting businesses for graduates of GZUC.


Source: Department of Student Affairs (Department of Armed Forces, Office of Student Affairs, Office of Enrolment and Employment)

(Translated by Tao Jue, Proofread by Wang Xuefang)